Outdoors lighting And First Aid

Being out in the field can be an enjoyable experience. So can prospecting or even recreational gold panning. I carry a couple of flashlights when I am out in the field prospecting. When there is shade it is sometimes difficult to analyze a rock for mineral content. This is when a flashlight comes in handy. In the evening as the sun starts to descend in the west behind a mountain, my flood lamp is handy while packing up my truck for the trip back to camp. At camp I use a couple of LED lanterns as these units extend the battery life.

I also carry an ultraviolet light kit. This unit I recommend as a good tool for crystal identification. Some crystals do illuminate under ultraviolet light. I also carry a 20 X 21 jewelers lens that also contains not only a white led but also an ultraviolet LED, all built in. This is one of my primary lenses.

Outdoors to me also means sore muscles at the end of the day and a full night of scratching the itch. Bugs, yes bugs, and lots of them and sometimes other critters as well. Therefore I have included a Health and Wellness as well page in the stores outdoor menu. Some of these items I do use and have been very satisfied with the results from these products. Just click on the link below or above and compare.