Boyko Mineral Exploration
Boyko Mineral Exploration is a home based, single person operated Enterprise. Hi, I’m Rob Boyko. At the age of 16, as a birthday present, I obtained my drivers learners license. Two weeks later, I passed my drivers exam. That day, to me, was freedom. A couple of friends and I would pile into my car and into the Fraser Canyon in British Columbia Canada we would go. It was the inspiration of a couple of elderly Italian gentlemen that we met at the coffee bar that we would visit. They told us stories of Gold that could be found in the canyons north of Vancouver. The two men were actually retired minors. Panning and exploring creeks for gold nuggets and flakes was an adventure. Thirty-four years ago I remarried and having a new family meant that my adventuring days had to temporarily cease.
Fifteen years ago I was able to once again venture into the wilds of BC. Having moved to Prince George afforded easy access to the Quesnel highlands and the surrounding mineral fields. I was able to find some of that elusive material as a recreational panner as well as having enjoyed the wilderness of the area. It wasn’t long before I wanted to learn more. Geology courses in Prince George were nonexistent. If it were not for the local miners and others in the industry, there would not have been any guidance. Yes one could consider me to be self-taught (literature, acquaintances, friends, and of course You Tube.)
Since my retirement from the telephone company I have taken my hobby to this higher level. As a novice Prospector, I have decided to go freelance. I have had and still do get requests from those that are interested in the industry or as a hobbiest, wanting information. Mainly the “how to’s” in regards to this area of interest, and therefore I have created this web site for all those that seek adventure and knowledge. If, after viewing any of the literature and find an article in error, I would much appreciate that you contact me and start a conversation. I too am still learning; and I hope that you will submit your Email address so that I may send you an article or two as I publish the material. I do not in any way condone the giveaway or sale of any email lists. I respect the privacy of others as I respect my own privacy.